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23 'Gilmore Girls' references you may have missed in the Netflix revival

Published by Business Insider on Tue, 29 Nov 2016

Warning: Spoilers ahead for "Gilmore Girls: A Year In The Life."Netflix's revival of "Gilmore Girls: A Year In The Life" is now officially streaming.The show likely made many fans feel happy and nostalgic those four last words asidewhile also moving the characters forward in a satisfying way.There were also plenty of references to the series that may have gone over your head unless you're a die-hard fan. Keep reading so you can go back and catch them all.Let's start with a classic: "I smell snow," Lorelai tells Rory in the town square.Fans of the original series know that Lorelai has a keen sense for smelling when snow is about to fall.In episode eight of the first season, Lorelai tells Rory how much she loves the snow and that she can smell when it's coming.She also says every good thing that's ever happened to herher first kiss, Rory's first steps, her best birthdayhappened when it was snowing.Lorelai is worried that celebrity chef Roy Choi is going to burn down the Dragonfly Inn's kitchen.Lorelai has an ever revolving door of chefs coming in and out as she tries to replace her beloved best friend and the inn's chef, Sookie (Melissa McCarthy), during the revival.See the rest of the story at Business Insider
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