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US Open Tennis 2016: Tuesday Night Draw TV Schedule, Start Times and Picks

Published by Bleacher Report on Tue, 06 Sep 2016

Novak Djokovic is gunning for his 12th Grand Slam title as he continues to roll along in the U.S. Open. If he is going to be successful in the tournament's championship round, he is going to have to battle France's best tennis players in back-to-back rounds.Djokovic faces Jo-Wilfried Tsonga Tuesday night in the quarterfinal round of the U.S. Open. If he is successful against his hard-serving opponent, he will play the winner of the Lucas Pouille-Gael Monfils match in the semifinals.All three Frenchmen are playing exceptional tennis, and they have been quite effective so far in the U.S. Open.However, it would be somewhat shocking if any of them can stop Djokovic and keep him from reaching the final.Djokovic was impressed with Pouille, who defeated Rafael Nadal in the fourth round."He absolutely deserved to get that win," Djokovic toldChristopher Clarey of the New York Times. "We all know how tough it is to play against Nadal. He makes you work for each point. So very impressive from Lucas."Djokovic came into the U.S. Open with a wrist problem that had impacted him in the Rio Olympics. The world's No. 1 player lost in the first round in Brazil.In the U.S. Open, he had a walkover in the second round against Jiri Vesely and a short match in the third because his opponent, Mikhail Youzhny, had to retire in the first set.He rolled to an easy 6-2, 6-1, 6-4 victory over Great Britain's Kyle Edmund in the fourth round. Djokovic showed no signs of a wrist injury, and the fact that he was untested in the second and third rounds should help him now that the tournament has reached its second week.The official U.S. Open Twitter account shared footage of Djokovic's match point against Edmund:Djokovic said the win over Edmund made him feel more confident because he was on the court for a full match."It's good to play an entire match,"Djokovic told Kevin Mitchell of theGuardian. "I'm feeling very good, to be honest. I really wanted to start the match well, because I didn't have much time on the court overall before the fourth round."In addition to Djokovic's match with Tsonga, Caroline Wozniacki of Denmark will meetAnastasija Sevastova of Latvia.Wozniacki has beaten a pair of seeded opponents during her four-win streak to get to the quarterfinals. She defeated ninth-seeded Svetlana Kuznetsova in the second round and then handled eighth-seeded Madison Keys in the fourth round.Wozniacki has been consistent with her groundstrokes and quick on the court in winning eight consecutive sets. Wozniacki lost the first set in her opening-round match to Taylor Townsend, and she has not lost a set since.Sevastova, who is unseeded like Wozniacki, has also defeated a pair of seeded opponents. She sent shockwaves through women's tennis with her second-round victory over third-seeded Garbine Muguruza. She also defeated 13th-seeded Johanna Konta in the fourth round.Sevastova has not lost a set in her four matches, and she is clearly playing excellent tennis and capable of hanging in with the streaking Wozniacki. PredictionsTsonga is a big man (6'2", 200 lbs) with a powerful serve. He has the talent to push Djokovic hard and possibly take a set from him. However, Djokovic has an iron will when a match is on the line, and he will not let it through his grasp.Djokovic is a relentless competitor, and he can pound his serve nearly as well as Tsonga. Djokovic also has wonderful groundstrokes, and that spells the difference.On the women's side, Wozniacki and Sevastova have both defied their pre-tournament rankings and played efficient tennis. This match goes three sets, and Sevastova breaks Wozniacki's heart and advances to the semifinals.
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