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Prince Harry wins over social media after donating to send children to the Rio Paralympics

Published by Business Insider on Wed, 07 Sep 2016

Prince Harry has made an impression on social media after making a personal donation to a campaign that hopes to send 10,000 children from Rio de Janeiro to watch the Paralympic Games in person.Kensington Palace announced the prince's support of the #filltheseats initiative, which has backersincluding the supermarket giantSainsbury's, on Twitter on Tuesday (September 6).The amount of money he has donated to the campaign to fill seats at the Paralympics has not been disclosed.Prince Harry has made a personal donation to #filltheseats so Rio kids can see Invictus & Paralympic competitors in action. Enjoy the games!' Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) September 6, 2016In a emailed statement, a spokesperson for Kensington Palace said: "Prince Harry is following closely the Invictus Games champions who are competing in Rio and this is one way he is lending support to their efforts."In 2014, he founded the Invictus Games, in which injured military personnel compete in sports such as wheelchair basketball and indoor rowing.People took to social media to show their support of the initiative and Prince Harry's donation:Huge thanks to Prince Harry for supporting #FillTheSeats!The kids in Rio's bums on seats with Royal endorsement 'https://t.co/omrlci04Sf' Jack Chew (@Chews_Health) September 6, 2016@KensingtonRoyal What a nice guy Prince Harry is! '''' Sarah Misako (@sarahmldnenbr) September 6, 2016@GMB is #PrinceHarry the most lovely #Royal of all time. What a great guy donating money to help the #Paralympics #I''PrinceHarry' Neil Franky Mac (@nelly83mac) September 7, 2016Bravo, Prince! Harry is kind & generous. There's a room in his heart 4those kids.He can b a King of hearts if not UK https://t.co/VgZw2946y5' Angelocheck Light (@AngelocheckLigh) September 7, 2016@KensingtonRoyal What a fanatstic idea - great for the kids and athletes' Sue Macdonald (@SueMacMidwife) September 6, 2016If we didn't like Prince Harry enough already..... https://t.co/WfbB0iy8xB' April Bowles (@apriltbowles) September 7, 2016The #filltheseats campaign, started by Greg Nugent on the crowdfunding platform Generosity in August, has raised more than 149,505 ($200,000) from public and private donations worldwide.It has now raised enough money for over 5,000 local children to see the Paralympics live, according to Nugent's crowdfunder page.Coldplay, who performed at the London 2012 Olympic opening ceremony, also showed their support for the campaign via Twitter in August, calling it an "amazing idea."Amazing idea: send Brazilian kids to the Paralympics #filltheseats. We're with you @IPCAthletics Love Coldplay https://t.co/VXWcvFDR0j' Coldplay (@coldplay) August 24, 2016Sainsbury's has backed the initiative as well, donating funds for 500 children to watch the Games for free.Join the conversation about this storyNOW WATCH: Here's how gold medals are made for the Rio Olympics
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