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Lady blasts C-Way management for allegedly refusing to recall 'frog dispenser water

Published by Lailas Blog on Wed, 07 Sep 2016

Some weeks back, we shared a story here about a frog found floating inside a newly purchased and SEALED family sized bottle of C-Way dispenser water. If you missed it, click HEREA Nigerian,@zegbua, a friend to the man who bought the water dispenser has taken to Twitter to call out C-Way management for allegedly refusing to recall the batch. She is also calling on NAFDAC to investigate the incident.She alleges that a C-way officials and a Chinese manager visited the guy after he posted the video online and offered him another sealed C-way dispenser water, and when the guy refused and rather insisted the whole batch the recalled, the management allegedly branded the fellow ''competition'' who had set out to destroy the company's image.The user, Zizi Uanikheh is also alleging she has been getting hate mails because of her insistence on calling C-way out. Read the rest of the explosive tweets below. She made some heavy allegations!#AffectNigeria isn't about spoiling anyone's business. Who should answer for this' The buyer or CWay Drinking Water' pic.twitter.com/hXDchDjmZT' NigerianLivesMatter (@affectNigeria) August 30, 2016I am glad you enjoyed my story. Visit us at www.LailasBlog.com to stay updated with more interesting/exclusive news like these. Click HERE now to do that.
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