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A woman who has reviewed over 40,000 rsums says these are the 5 most annoying mistakes she sees

Published by Business Insider on Wed, 07 Sep 2016

When Tina Nicolai began working as a recruiter for Walt Disney World in the late 1990s, she noticed that many job seekers were submitting flawed rsums."I realized people simply did not know how to market themselves or their achievements," Nicolai tells Business Insider. "And that's how I knew there was a market to educate job candidates at all levels and in all industries."So in 2010, she founded Rsum Writers' Ink."Since launching my company, I've read over 40,000 rsums," she says.And there are a few mistakesthat she's seen over and over again that are "pretty irritating."They are:SEE ALSO:17 annoying things job candidates do that make hiring managers not like themSloppiness"Thebiggest mistake job seekers make: They are sloppy. They pay poor attention to detail. They are lazy!"Nicolai says that she has seen too many rsums with typos, unprofessional fonts, outdated information, and irrelevant information.Summaries that are too longSummaries are annoyingwhen they are written in a formal tone and include too many adjectives, she says."After a while, the summaries can read like a lengthy chapter in a book. It's better to list a few bullets with pointed achievements and a branded tag line stating, 'known for achieving XYZ.'"Starting a bullet point with 'Responsible for'This is another"lazy thing" that she hasseen too many times on rsums."Candidates need to understand that starting a sentence with 'responsible for' tells the reader what the job requirements were supposed to be, but it does not state that the candidate actually performed the functions," Nicolai says. "It does not state that the candidate was successful in these functions. Don't be lazy: Take the extra few minutes to explain what you accomplishednot what you were expected to accomplish."See the rest of the story at Business Insider
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