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These were among the biggest hedge-fund winners and losers in January as GameStop mania upended markets

Published by Business Insider on Tue, 02 Feb 2021

<p><img src="https://static5.businessinsider.com/image/60196c4ed6c5e60019c6e6ba-2400/GettyImages-1287484589.jpg" border="0" alt="Wall Street NYSE Bull" data-mce-source="Spencer Platt/Getty Images" data-mce-caption="A man sits on the Wall street bull near the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) on November 24, 2020 in New York City."></p><p></p><bi-shortcode id="summary-shortcode" data-type="summary-shortcode" class="mceNonEditable" contenteditable="false">Summary List Placement</bi-shortcode><ul><li><strong>Hedge funds started 2021 in the spotlight after a trading frenzy in GameStop led to severe losses for Melvin Capital.</strong></li><li><strong>These are among the winning and losing hedge funds in the month of January, according to Bloomberg.</strong></li><li><strong><a href="https://newsletter.businessinsider.com/join/4np/10-things-opening-bell'utm_source=markets&amp;utm_medium=ingest'utm_source=markets&amp;utm_medium=ingest'utm_source=markets&amp;utm_medium=ingest" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Sign up here for our daily newsletter, 10 Things Before the Opening Bell</a>.</strong></li></ul><hr><p>Hedge funds have been thrown into the spotlight this month after a Reddit forum called WallStreetBets <a href="https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/highly-shorted-stocks-soaring-reddit-wallstreetbet-traders-wall-street-2021-1-1030011346">sparked a massive short-squeeze rally</a> in shares of <a href="https://markets.businessinsider.com/stocks/gme-stock">GameStop</a> and <a href="https://markets.businessinsider.com/stocks/amc-stock">AMC Entertainment.</a></p><p>The move in GameStop upended hedge funds that were short shares of the video-game retailer. The short trade proved to be a popular bet given the high short position in the stock at the start of the year.</p><p>Melvin Capital was one hedge fund that suffered extreme losses stemming from a short bet on GameStop, with the fund <a href="https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/melvin-capital-lost-53-percent-january-after-gamestop-shares-skyrocketed-2021-1-1030023191">losing 53% in the month of January.</a> Melvin ultimately <a href="https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/steve-cohen-ken-griffin-invest-3-billion-gamestop-short-seller-2021-1-1030003305">received a $2.8 billion emergency investment</a> from hedge fund billionaires Steve Cohen of Point72 and Ken Griffin of Citadel.&nbsp;</p><p>Maplelane Capital, another hedge fund that was short shares of GameStop, fell 45% through January 27.</p><p>Here are the winning and losing hedge funds amid the GameStop mania in the month of January, <a href="https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-02-01/renaissance-quant-fund-slumps-9-5-in-january-stock-ructions">according to Bloomberg.</a></p><p><strong data-stringify-type="bold"><em data-stringify-type="italic">Read More:&nbsp;</em></strong><em data-stringify-type="italic"><a href="https://www.businessinsider.com/stock-picks-to-buy-24-highest-conviction-buy-rated-stocks-2021-1'utm_source=markets&amp;utm_medium=ingest" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" data-stringify-link="https://www.businessinsider.com/stock-picks-to-buy-24-highest-conviction-buy-rated-stocks-2021-1" data-sk="tooltip_parent" aria-describedby="sk-tooltip-5392">Jefferies says to buy these 24 stocks that represent its analysts' highest-conviction picks for 2021</a></em></p><h2>Winners</h2><p><strong>1. Glenview Capital Management</strong></p><p>January Gain: 6.4%<br>AUM: $3.5 billion</p><p><strong>2. Falcon Edge Capital</strong></p><p>January Gain: 4.2%<br>AUM: $4 billion</p><p><strong>3. Heard Capital</strong></p><p>January Gain: 3.2%<br>AUM: $325 million</p><p><strong>4. ExodusPoint</strong></p><p>January Gain: 1.2%<br>AUM: $2.8 billion</p><p><strong>5. Verition</strong></p><p>January Gain: 1.2%<br>AUM: $3 billion</p><p><strong>6. Schonfeld Strategic Advisors</strong></p><p>January Gain: 0.9%</p><p><strong data-stringify-type="bold"><em data-stringify-type="italic">Read More:&nbsp;</em></strong><em data-stringify-type="italic"><a href="https://www.businessinsider.com/stocks-to-buy-silver-short-squeeze-stock-picks-rbc-2021-2'utm_source=markets&amp;utm_medium=ingest" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" data-stringify-link="https://www.businessinsider.com/stocks-to-buy-silver-short-squeeze-stock-picks-rbc-2021-2" data-sk="tooltip_parent" aria-describedby="sk-tooltip-5394">Buy these 4 stocks poised benefit from a spike in silver prices, says RBC Capital Markets - including 2 set to soar 73%</a></em></p><h2>Losers</h2><p><strong>1. Citadel</strong></p><p>January Loss: 3%</p><p><strong>2. Greenlight Capital</strong></p><p>January Loss: 11.1%</p><p><strong>3. Honeycomb Asset Management</strong></p><p>January Loss: 4%<br>AUM: $1.2 billion</p><p><strong>4. Renaissance Quant Fund</strong></p><p>January Loss: 9.5%</p><p><strong>5. Maplelane Capital</strong></p><p>January Loss (through January 27): 45%</p><p><strong>6. Melvin Capital</strong></p><p>January Loss: 53%</p><p><strong data-stringify-type="bold"><em data-stringify-type="italic">Read More:&nbsp;</em></strong><em data-stringify-type="italic"><a href="https://www.businessinsider.com/stock-market-short-squeeze-reddit-day-trading-advice-ally-invest-2021-1'utm_source=markets&amp;utm_medium=ingest" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" data-stringify-link="https://www.businessinsider.com/stock-market-short-squeeze-reddit-day-trading-advice-ally-invest-2021-1" data-sk="tooltip_parent" aria-describedby="sk-tooltip-1822">A chief investment strategist breaks down how the GameStop saga could upend long-standing practices on Wall Street - and shares her 4-part advice for navigating the frenzied trading environment</a></em></p><p><a href="https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/here-are-the-hedge-fund-winners-and-losers-amid-januarys-gamestop-mania-2021-2-1030034341#comments">Join the conversation about this story &#187;</a></p> <p>NOW WATCH: <a href="https://www.businessinsider.com/coronavirus-myths-debunked-wuhan-china-2020-2">Epidemiologists debunk 13 coronavirus myths</a></p>
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